Title: GruDM
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/g-i/grudm.zip
Size: 378.63 KB
Date: 08/16/14
Author: grugly
Description: This is an accumulation of deathmatch levels I have made. There is no set theme. Some are parts of coop levels in progress, some are just spaces I created for the purpose.

A Duel - Duel map shaped like an A with a bridge.

X Duel - X shaped duel map..

Octagon Duel - Octagon shaped duel map (imaginative, huh!)

Pentagram Deathmatch - A Deathmatch map with a sequence of six switches, which unlock a two switch combination, giving access to larger guns and more play area.

Tank Deathmatch - A small base with two tanks in a large room. In one tank is a rocket launcher, the other, a plasma gun. Using the computers in the rooms will drain the tanks, trapping anyone caught inside for 30 seconds..

I will add more maps if/when I make them..
Credits: Everyone who has contributed to doom being what it is in 2014!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a little while..
Editor(s) used: Eureka, unwad
Bugs: none so far..
Rating: (1 vote)
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Pretty darn cool. The first 3 are strictly duel maps, while the last 2 look good for 4-6 players. Uses a few 3D bridges, and there's the occasional texture bleed, most noticeable on the grate in the nukage on map01 - I'm guessing this was only tested in GL. I would like to see a very slightly modified version compatible with Zdaemon and Odamex too, so these would get more exposure!x

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