Title: Liquid
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/j-l/liquid.zip
Size: 585.06 KB
Date: 03/06/99
Author: Cyberdemon (Mike Watson)
Description: Four Boom enhanced, Quake 2 inspired DM maps. I say Q2 inspired because of the damage sectors, although there aren't any death traps. Not a lot of convayers like in Reclimation(there are two, but they don't mess with gameplay). The maps are focused more on gameplay then looks, although I tried to make them look nice they won't slow to a crawl if you have a p90(at least I hope not).
Credits: id Software for Doom 2, TeamTNT for Boom and Reclimation which helped me figure out a few new uses for Boom's scrolling floors. Also grosse, Covaro and Ricrob for beta testing.
Base: New levels from scratch, sky is combinations of skys from Doom and Doom 2. Sounds from Q2, midi's found on my HD
Build time: To freaking long
Editor(s) used: WadEd, Wadauthor, WinTex, Warm and PSP
Bugs: The sky, for some reason, displays screwed up from some perspectives with ZDoom. I don't know why it does this, but it works fine with Boom and MBF.
Rating: (1 vote)
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A wad by mike watson, now that should get you interested. It's a good DM pack. The sky is indeed a bit off. A few of the areas were a bit too dark, but this should be fun in MP.x

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