Title: MODDM1
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/m-o/moddm1.zip
Size: 196.1 KB
Date: 06/13/04
Author: MasterOFDeath
Description: Collection of 7 deathmatch levels of mine, all of them made for this collection. Here is a list of levels: Level 1: MODdm1-Welcome Just a little intro level. Has a silver/ metal theme to it. Level 2: Chemical Storage Facility Good sized, very playable arena with a chemical plant style setting. Level 3: Power Grid A futuristic power station. Looks sweet and has plenty of room to move around and hide. Level 4: The Void Deathmatch in space, and I mean IN SPACE, not a spaceship. Basically a large arena with all sky textures, just play it. Level 5: Mountain Base A small research base built inside of a mountain. If you have trouble in the dark cave with the BFG, look for the light amp goggles in the water. Level 6: Its a House This one should be self explanitory ;) Level 7: Sky Base The very top of a tower, high up in the heavens. Basically 2 arenas, A large one and a smaller one off to the side. I may make another dm collection like this if this one is popular enough, or if I just feel like it :P.
Credits: ID Software, for obvious reasons :) , the utility authors, Randy Heit for ZDoom, NightFang for ZDaemon, and GodCells for beta testing, help, and uploading this.
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Very bad gameplay, multiplayer is almost impossible on these maps. Don't download, just a waste of time!x
Has some nice maps with interesting and varying ways to get power weapons and ohter power ups. ****x

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