Title: NesDeath II
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/m-o/nesdth2.zip
Size: 492.9 KB
Date: 02/27/04
Author: Nestea
Description: Another 7 levels of pure deathmatchness by your SSG-wielding warrior, Nestea. This time, all the music are provided by LurkerHunter (yea, it's all original). Also new is a MAPINFO lump... which means that ZDOOM (and anything built off of it) players will get the cool rotating skies and such. Sorry, but none of the maps feature any ZDOOM-related things (which is good for those who play Legacy/JDOOM/etc.). Wait till NesDeath III for that! ;)
Credits: LurkerHunter for providing ALL the music. Those that made the sound.
Base: Varies.
Build time: Almost 2 Weeks
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: Wouldn't really suggest with DOOM2.EXE, like last time.
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