Title: 1 star deathmatch
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/megawads/1star.zip
Size: 723.4 KB
Date: 03/29/15
Author: Ilya "Joe" Lazarev
Description: 35 punky maps for deathmatch.
Credits: ID Gez Impcode and the MIDI composers.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a month
Editor(s) used: DB2 Slade3
Bugs: There are misalignments you can only see if you know the textures well.
Rating: (17 votes)
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I actually like some of the ideas here; they have that sense of freedom that only newer mappers have, restricted by older ones. As such, there's lots of interesting design and some fun ideas. However, the maps do look bad and aren't too well-balanced. There are some good ones, and some look average-to-good, but it is a mixed bag. If you've played DWANGO, you know what to expect.x
if you want 1 star here you gox
Not that bad honestly.x
It's ok, but, i have to complain some things: 1.-the status bar you used is HORRENDOUS and will be a reminder of "that wad of yours". 2.- Be mature, this isn't the 2000's anymore, and as hard I want that, it isn't going to happend 3.-On GL render, you can see the BFG from the water pillar at The city's gate. 4.-(optional)You should change "(player1) is an emo." to "(player1) was way too edgy and killed (sex)elf". I guess I was meant to blow it until it was cold.x
Aw man, I don't get any credit for my work on map17? :( Anyway, this is a pack of Dwango-like maps, definitely not for newschool players. Personally I love oldschool maps, but many will see the design choices as flaws. I kinda admire Joe's attitude of "fuck modern conventions, I do what I want." You won't be having any "serious" matches here but it looks like it would be fun/funny for some frags with friends.x
Yeah, 5 stars. Deal with itx
Rating this 2 stars because I am "that douchebag"x

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