Title: Smart CTF 2
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/megawads/smartctf.zip
Size: 12.19 MB
Date: 11/28/21
Author: Luis Armacanqui (aka "Chain" / "Chaindude")
Description: 16 CTF maps for competitive and casual/fun play
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 year
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, SLADE3, and Adobe Photoshop
Bugs: (Odamex) At the time of publication, all waggle effects are not functional on Odamex. Rotation of ceiling and floor textures only works on "flat" surfaces. Sloped ceilings/floors with texture rotation will not display properly. Thunder effects on MAP09 (sound + animated sky) do not work. Sky scrolling on MAP13's secondary sky is not functional. Net desyncs can cause perpetual sector sounds on maps with fast/insta lifts and doors. My recommendation is to disable "sector effect" prediction on the Odamex network settings to mitigate some of these quirks (as of Odamex v0.9.3).
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