Title: Uptight Deathmatch
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/megawads/uptightdm.zip
Size: 5.82 MB
Date: 03/24/18
Author: Shane aka TheFatWilly
Description: A celebration of years of doom deathmatch, each map tries to create a different flair than the last
Credits: Theron aka Rosk1ng - provided some midi files Edd aka Dr_Noob - created the interpic Mappers: Decay, Ghoulslayer, Heavenwraith, Collision, Rosk1ng, X-ray/Caution, Frank, Alterzero, Baron and Nautilus
Base: Maps are new, Textures are borrowed from corectf
Build time: A couple years
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, GZDoom Builder
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