Title: CAVES of DEAD
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/s-u/stricke8.zip
Size: 1.6 MB
Date: 04/29/06
Author: Stricke
Description: none
Credits: testing on Zdaemon server
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few hours
Editor(s) used: Deepsea
Bugs: who knows
Rating: (2 votes)
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Why doesn't this load on zdoom and other ports? And I don't get any message. I was looking strange, wtf. I load it, it's not there but zdoom starts with regular maps. Wtf. I ran it in another port though. I will give it a 4/5 to compensate against the 0 vote, because it seems to be an ok work, unrightful to dig this so hard because of that bug. 4/5 - Optimusx
not support jdoom, and can't load wad in zdoomx

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