Title: ZDaemon CTF
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/v-z/zdctfmp.zip
Size: 1000.38 KB
Date: 03/23/04
Author: AlexMax, Ralphis, Exl, Washu, Bloodlust, ATG_Death, Rellik
Description: A set of ten maps for ZDaemon Capture the Flag
Credits: _Raider_, Kilgore, duke4ever Without you three, CTF in ZDaemon would not exist. Thank you so much. NiGHTMARE Textures. Erik_A For being a cool guy. I suggest playing his megawad, SCYTHE.WAD, it's an excillent piece of work. The ZDCTFMP Beta Testers Holy crap, you guys are fantastic
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Rating: (13 votes)
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set the standard for ctfx
Pretty goddamn impressive. Going on 8 years and still pretty much the only pack of CTF wads that anyone on ZDaemon will play. Hats off to the authors. Like AlexMax said, I compare every other map to these. ***** Majik.x
Kinda poor. ARG_Ne$tx
5/5 Still played as of today, enough said.x
I can safely say that after a year and a half release that this is the WAD that all of my others are measured by -AlexMaxx
indeed its bad cause ralphis is in it but besides that its an excellent ctf wad and the first on zdaemon all other ctf wads will have to live up to this onex
Excellent work.x

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