Title: I'm not able to do deathmatch maps but i still made it
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/v-z/znot_abl.zip
Size: 323.37 KB
Date: 10/07/06
Author: Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri
Description: You want to see great details, interessing maps, beatiful textures, impressive archittetonic works, fabolous music you wrong map, white trash. If you just want to blast all you're fucking opponents inside cramped rooms can sometimes you bellieve that was done whit DEU 5.21 in 1995, you're welcome! This is the last arena of lazy deathmatchers done from the most laziest around there, Daimon! At bottom of this textfile i'll insert the description of each level...
Credits: ID, for the fancy game! Megaman for sky Authors of dethmetl.wad for the midi i'll used for map02 Wolfenshit FLCL My Family
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 months
Editor(s) used: wintex 4.3 and XWE for graphic and music works Doombuilder for maps Paint for editing the titlepic...
Bugs: In map04 there's a HOM big like a a house and MAP03 sucks but oh well
Rating: (9 votes)
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My IQ dropped a few points playing this lolx
I'm not able to do brain surgery... come here! 1/5x
You're kidding, right?x
best everx
On a scale of one to five I'm not sure how to rate this. If the scale was marked in Killing Joke albums I would rate this as better than Outside the Gate - almost everything is better than Outside the Gate - but not as good as that spoken word CD they did, i.e. it has its moments. Map03 is full of bugs and Map04 is just terrible, but the rest are decent. Map06 has a cute backdrop but it's easy to fall off a building into a trapped area. This needs work.x
It's alright, really. The maps play okay and there aren't too many bugs. But I can see you're attempting to be funny; unfortunately, you're failing. Try harder next time. - Willsx

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