Title: A1 SNiP3R
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/a1-snip3.zip
Size: 161.06 KB
Date: 11/10/19
Author: Mike Hopkins aka DarkOwl (aka Kowalski, a long time ago)
Description: In 2016 I decided to do a 20th anniversary rework of the original A1-SNiPE, for the sheer fun of it. SNiPE was started by Michael Davies, with the main building. We built the rest of the level around it as a collaborative thing. It's a pure deathmatch level, and probably one of the better levels I ever worked on. For some reason I waited another three years to finish this third version up, so it's a uh... 23rd anniversary edition I guess? Heh. I hope you like it.

Oh, if you see some little red klaxons around, be careful... someone may just be grabbing a certain BFG or invuln...
Credits: Michael Davies for testing, the original starting WAD and just generally being a cool guy who was a constant source of inspiration when we were young.
Base: Heavily modified the original A1-SNiPE with all new areas and flow.
Build time: I dunno, I worked on this a fair bit in 2016 but then left it for three years before deciding to tidy it up for release.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: I think I managed to eliminate the visplane overflow that'd very rarely happen near the bridge with the DOS DooM engine. It's designed to run in original DOS DooM, but also runs well with any modern source ports too.
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