Title: Anakin
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/anakin2.zip
Size: 563.45 KB
Date: 02/24/96
Author: Anakin (Boston Dwango)
Description: A deathmatch wad-12 original levels I made myself coupled with new music and sounds for a pure fragfest.
Credits: The makers of the many music files I hacked: awesomus, dm2mus, newd2mus, stargate (a complete pwad- it's excellent) newd2mus, and greatmus. The makers of Paint Shop Pro. (Excellent program!) The makers of ASSKICKR wad for the many of sound FX bases I used. The many betatesters I used for this file The makers of Wave Studio- many of these sounds I actually made myself by mixing 10 or more sounds to create a cool hybrid that sounds great- the rocket launcher and the BFG are perfect examples.
Base: New levels from scratch, levels 1-6 are from my other pwad anakin.wad
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Mustool, Wintex, DCK 2.2 (excellent editor) and WINDEU GCC
Bugs: Level 6- The walls below the floor just as you warp in in single player aren't solid-rockets don't explode when they hit and you just get an eerie silence.
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