Title: More for Nikki
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/antagon2.zip
Size: 228.55 KB
Date: 01/09/96
Author: Antagon
Description: Dedicated to Boston Dwango Players. A Deathmatch level with some intersting teleportation going on - sometimes, if you dont pay attention, into jail - In a nice viewable jail where you are easy fragbait -oh, and be careful what you wish for...

Should provide plenty of action for DM; I modified Atagon1.wad solely to provide a better deathmatch flow. There is good weapon and ammo availability, open areas if you want to run and shoot, some darkish corridors, duckblinds. Have fun.

For single player and coop multi, I arranged some bad guys.
Credits: Gotta thank id (for wrecking my life), and the level editor people, and the Boston DWANGO crew.
Base: Heavily modified Antagon1.wad
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Level: Mostly DMapEdit 4.0b11, the compiler/checker is very smart - and WinDeu5.24, when i needed paste in a sector, it is good at asking you when to combine vertices and lines. Music & sound: MIDI2MUS, MUSTOOL, and NWT for schtikin the stuff into the wad.
Bugs: None, but if there are any, I'll fix them.
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