Title: Arena Of Destruction
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/ar_dest.zip
Size: 38.93 KB
Date: 07/22/95
Author: Rainer "Magic Eye" K.
Description: This is a level which was ONLY made for DEATHMATCH !! A lot of other Deathmatch-levels are boring, because they are too big! So I made a small but exciting level, where you will see your Enemies very often. There is just one secret place, but a lot of things that wait to be discovered... Please don't feed the Cyber-Demon
Credits: Schorsch, for disappointing me every time when I gave him a new version of this level. Geez, this guy just *loves* Arch-Viles...
Base: New level from scratch after a completely superflurous map by Schorsch.
Build time: The basic level was built in one afternoon, even if Schorsch (see above) doesn't believe it. This version got a few bug-fixes and an exit-button, after Schorsch complained.
Editor(s) used: I used DEEP 6.11.
Bugs: -I spent much time to get all the bugs out. So I hope there aren't any left. If you still spot one, feel free to take it out YOURSELF !!! -Sometimes, the level crashes on slow Computers, because there are too many 2S-Linedefs. If this should happen, press F5 and go to low detail. -Things will disappear sometimes, if there are too many. This is a problem of the DOOM-Engine. But it isn't too bad. Try I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE.
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