Title: Around
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/around.zip
Size: 11.24 KB
Date: 05/16/96
Author: Jamie L McCutchen
Description: This was my first attempt at a Death Match only wad. The overall design is basically a small central arena with interconnecting hallways surrounding it. It also features transparent walls, teleporters, including one in the center of the arena that has multiple landings, and all of the weapons. My main emphases was to make it fast paced and fun! Although some might find the weapons placement unbalancing, I believe, due to the levels small size, it is fairly even.
Credits: id Software for making such a great game and then allowing players to add their own "worlds" to it. Brilliant, talk about replay value! Justin "Shroomy" Werner for play testing, ideas, suggestions and MANY hours of great Death-Matches! My dad for encouraging me to continue building wads after the first few disasters. Jack Vermeulen for creating DeeP!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 6+ hours (off and on)
Editor(s) used: DeeP 8.50 (Simply THE BEST! And I've tried em all)
Bugs: None that I know of, but if you find one please let me know!
Rating: (1 vote)
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