Title: Big Funny Gun Fun
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/bfgfun.zip
Size: 28.72 KB
Date: 10/21/95
Author: Chris Somers
Description: This WAD was inspired by the BFG FAQ by Tony Fabris. It is a deathmatch WAD designed to help you exercise the deathmatch BFG techniques described therein. Everyone should read it for their safety and protection :).
Credits: Tony Fabris for the BFG FAQ - required reading Jens Hykkelbjerg for RMB - thank him for the effects Antony Burden & Simon Oke for DETH - it rocks Raphael Quinet for DETH meat & bones Colin Reed for BSP - keeps the computer busy while I refill my beer, and it WORKS. Mark 'The Victim' Barr for being such great frag bait.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DETH 2.65, BSP 1.2x RMB 2.1
Bugs: There are many thousands of insect species worldwide; I'm not going to list them all here.
Rating: (1 vote)
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Pretty lame, just a bunch of sqaures that are different sizes. At least tey all use different textures, but there are much better maps to test the BFG's true capability. (Hell, any brit10 whorebag knows this, but since this is so old I can excuse it.)x

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