Title: Battle Field and Hill Fun
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/bfield.zip
Size: 48.35 KB
Date: 10/17/98
Author: Kyle
Description: This is a DEATHMATCH level. There are *NO* monsters so if your expecting to play this alone you'll get bored. This is an mostly an open area playing area. It includes 1 fort and 1 bunker. This is best played with two teams of two. Just remember who your teams are. This level has stuff like a snipers alley. This WAD is best played around scenarios i.e. attack the base/defend the base. If your attacking the bunker you have the opertunity to kill the power, which shuts the lights off. Get the light amps. and attack at total darkness. I tried to give each team there own weapon to start with- fort-P.G.; bunker-M.L I also tried to give each team security around their base. Each side has their advantages and dis- advantages. On Hill Fun it is just one big long stairway and a bunch of hills. I made this one for fun.
Credits: id Software, the maker(s) of WadEd and my dog Barf and Matthew Ayres (or however you spell it) for making WADED and the maker of RMB and and the makers of this text editor and Microsoft for making DOS and my keybaord and Alexandar Graham Bell for inventing the telephone and AST for making my computer and all the little people out there. METALLICA for being so awesome.
Base: . Each side has their advantages and dis- advantages. On Hill Fun it is just one big long stairway and a bunch of hills. I made this one for fun.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadEd
Bugs: None that I no of.
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