Title: Buzzard's Arena level 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/buzzdm01.zip
Size: 54.95 KB
Date: 05/18/95
Author: Paul Busby (aka: Buzzard)
Description: Replacement level for MAP01 for Doom II There is no particular theme or story for this wad, it is just a place where virtual people may get together and kill one another without getting any blood on their clothes.

This wad is designed for a paticular type of DM fighting. There are very few 'quick' frags when playing but rather each battle is normally a sustained test of dodging and and firing skills. Some people have commented that it is too easy for the wounded to simply run away. Well there is no 'simply' running away with this wad - mouse users will particularily like the long corridors down which can be chased the wounded opponent firing away at their back with the gattling gun. And transports, well we all know the hazards of using transports when the opponent is nearby.

This wad is the culmation of about six months of playing two player DM with many people. (At the time of release it has not yet been played by 3 or 4 player ... though it should be very good for that - i'ts quite large)

There is an exit ... try not to use it until you actually want to exit.
Credits: First and formost, Jeff Rabenhorst (araya@wam.umd.edu), creater of the awsome Doom I, II and Heritic editor - Edmap 1.31.

Jens Hykkelbjerg, author of RMB: REJECT MAP BUILDER Version 2.0

ID of course ...

Scott Catterill, SYSOP of Ottawa's unofficial Doom BBS, Heart of Gold; for lots of documentation, utilities and other wads to draw inspiration from.

My various play testers: Dan Kilbank, Peter Hadrava (my stepson), Jim Biggar, Jeff Hollands, Pierre, Mel and Justin Benoit, Dave Sabourin, Cale Mccallum, Chris Jones, and Mark Chultz all of whom have died for the cause in the creation of this wad.

Special thanks are extended to Dan Kilbank who was in on the construction of this wad right from the beginning. In fact, this wad was inspired and created in the course of the many many hours of DM we have played together and our search for a more sustained fighting arena - areas like the green room owe their very existance to design suggestions from Dan.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Edmap 1.31, actually I used every version right from 1.23.
Bugs: None to my knowledge
Rating: (1 vote)
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A bit too big, but not bad overallx

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