Title: Casualties of War Version 3.3 (3/14/96) (Sounds from the movie, Great deathmatch!)
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/caswar_g.zip
Size: 675.39 KB
Date: 03/14/96
Author: Mike Breeden
Description: OK, OK here's the story for ya... Sgt. Meserve has just been released from serving his sentence of 10yrs hard labor. He may have paid his debt to society, but he hasn't wiped The Punisher's slate clean. He's about to step into another dimension; and this time he won't be in control. He'll be at the mercy of endless cherries and FNG's, walking into ambushes and death only means starting over. Welcome SGT Meserve, to the Tour of Duty that never ends - the PATROL INTO HELL...
Credits: Play testers: Landru, Tim Huffman (Mr.Bimmer) and The Stars-n-Bars bunch. Landru for the music (Map01) (& patience w/my changes to it). Phil Pesano for the "haloween" music from his wad of the same name. Id (of course), Ben Morris for DCK, DMaud, NWT & RMB authors. Columbia Pictures for the movie sounds. Marvel Comics for The Punisher attitude.
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2f (the best, even with frequent crashes) Dmaud, NWT (patches), RMB (reject tuning), Midi2Mus
Bugs: None known (not tested on 4 meg machine) This version fully RMB tuned for better speed on 486 class machines. Level 3 crusher viewing will be slow on machines with slow video cards.
Rating: (1 vote)
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Though this is in the deatmatch section, it is also a single-player affair. Everything makes it into Doom in some way, including the Punisher. A deliciously cheesy affair.x

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