Title: KILL 'EM!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/d2_kill.zip
Size: 253.68 KB
Date: 10/11/95
Author: Martin Cox
Description: This is the Doom II conversion of my level KILL_EM.WAD. But unlike most DOOM to DOOM II conversions, I've made lots of changes.

The level itself is a medium-sized one, with a main arena, passages, and two smaller rooms, each with some tricks and strategies to them. The courtyard is where I expect much of the major fighting to be carried out, and has three main structures in it, as well as ledges around much of it. The structures are a hollow pillar (with nice stuff inside), a tall thin building (only way to get up it is a lift, so it's great for hiding nice stuff in, hint hint), and a pagoda, who's main function is blocking shots and holding up opponents.

Of the smaller rooms, one is pitch-dark, and holds some warp-in spots and guns, and makes for great ambushes. The other room has a jail in it, see the next subject.
Credits: No-one! I did it all I tell you!
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, DOOM2WAD.EXE, DEU II 1.0 (DEU 5.21 port), DMAUD 1.1.
Bugs: None, of course. I'm perfect...
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