Title: De-tox
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/d_tox.zip
Size: 164.81 KB
Date: 12/20/97
Author: Marty Ihlen
Description: You are lost on some strange planet with some fellow space marines and the toxic level of the zone you've entered is so high it has caused your team to become enemies!
Credits: Travers Dunne and Rick Clark for their efforts on Eventide.wad! Our single and co-op level. Which cause me to create the deathmatch version which is D_tox.wad! Also, I'd like to thank my roommate 'Grim- Reaper' and my buddy Dave Nation for the hours of playtesting they've had to endure.
Base: Eventide.wad By Myself, Travers Dunne and Rick Clark! Thanks guys! We tried something strange, a chain wad to combine our styles and I'll be! It worked! Look for Eventide.wad!
Build time:
Editor(s) used: dck22 and wintex! Props to the authors of these great editors!
Bugs: None, I spent the last 2 weeks playtesting and I've found nothing other than the occassional testure allignment, but these are barely noticable so I left them alone...
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