Title: deathpak.zip
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/deathpak.zip
Size: 243.17 KB
Date: 04/12/95
Author: Kyle Ver Steeg
Description: six excellent deathmatch wads
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Rating: (15 votes)
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The mapping itself is quite competent, but the maps are SO large...x
Heh, this wad is pretty decent considering it's age, while this is really underdetailed and lacking lot of other things, there are some nice ideas here and there, and this is actually the best wad i've played in some time, after i had to play that piece of shit that is action doom 2. This deserves a 2.5-3/5 but I'm gonna give this a 5 since its the best wad I've played in a while, despite its lacks. 5/5x
Awesome, but as mentioned before this needs better player locations and its good only for a lms match. 4/5x
A piece of history, 5/5x
Holy shit! 1995! This wad could have been ALOT better with better player start positions, because they start in the same goddamn room! the maps are pretty big, and they are perfect for a LMS match. you just have to put better player positions and this wad will fucking kill. 5/5 download it or die!x

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