Title: DeepPain.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/deeppain.zip
Size: 100.68 KB
Date: 02/28/96
Author: Joshua Gunder
Description: "10 levels of deathmatch splendor!" Fielding Mellish "This wad's pretty cool" Ben Tajik "OK exit to next level?" Pete Gunder With reviews like that how can you not download this wad? It's 9 of my best levels all from scratch with one brand spanking new tenth level. All this combined into one mega episode. These levels are designed for deathmatch but support single player, and most are outrageous for co-op. These levels were all previously released before except for map09. All have exits except for map10, but map08 has a co-op exit, so a single player will need the IDCLIP code. Basically I got tired of keeping 10 wads in my doom2 directory, now I just load 1! Most of these maps are based on simple symmetric designs. I don't care too much for asthetics, although, on my later wads I tried to use lighting effects, and more complicated sector combinations. Well worth the download.
Credits: Matt Ayers for Waded Ben Tajik (PC) and Mike Moore (MAC) for testing.
Base: Original from scratch
Build time: My first level I made 2 years ago. So... 2 Years??
Editor(s) used: Waded
Bugs: None Now, Hopefully. Please let me know if they're there. If one looks hard enough, one could even find bugs in all of ID's levels
Rating: (1 vote)
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Meh, pretty average gameplay, misaligned textures and boring levels. Just one star for this set.x

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