Title: DieAngle
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/dieangle.zip
Size: 14.66 KB
Date: 11/01/14
Author: Peter Kasting
Description: Relatively small deathmatch level designed around equilateral triangles, a much less common shape for Doom levels than rectangles or isosceles triangles.

There are six switches in the level: a (clearly- labeled) exit switch, a switch by the rocket launcher that provides access to the soulsphere, and two pairs of switches to provide BFG access. One pair opens the teleporter to the BFG, the other pair opens the doors of the BFG room.
Credits: Sean Hanson, my stalwart deathmatch victim, err, partner.

TheKeep2.wad by Talon, aka DWANGO6 MAP03, for level flow inspiration.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few weeks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: Occasional slime trails near corners in vanilla
Rating: (1 vote)
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Not bad, reminds me of Greenwarx

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