Title: Eternal Khaos Deathmatch Levels v1.1
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/ekhaos11.zip
Size: 736.2 KB
Date: 12/13/97
Author: Vincent Fong
Description: 10 deathmatch levels made by myself compiled into one WAD with new sfx and gfx. All primarily designed for 3 - 4 player deathmatches, some maybe suitable for head-to-head.
Credits: Loadsa people who gave support and playtested the beta version of this WAD. I would also want to thank Danny and Rambo for the contructive criticisms helping me to improve the levels. Also to the maker of SURREAL2.WAD with the idea of using monsters for ambience effects.
Base: Every level from scratch.
Build time: Ages, and ages.
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 5.1, NWT, Zennode, Paint Shop Pro 4 (highly recommended for image editing), Evolution Midi and Presto Aranger (used for changing the music)
Bugs: None

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Rating: (3 votes)
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Nice small frantic layouts with graphics typical of a deathmatch wad from this area (nice font to boot) and (mostly) delightfully cheesy music. I particularly like the atmosphere in map09 with the lighting and music selection.x
Who, in their right mind, listens to the music when playing DOOM? It detracts from the game... The first thing I do is turn off / delete any music, then I can 'get into' the game properly. The levels are fairly average for the era. 3/5x
While the levels are quite good, it wins the all time #1 award for worst music selection. I can't imagine what it would be like actually playing deathmatch on these levels with this cheesy music in the background.x

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