Title: Hit it! Shoot it! Saw it! FRAG IT!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/frag_it.zip
Size: 38.67 KB
Date: 04/17/95
Author: Michiel Rutting
Description: Deathmatch level designed for 3-4 players, but some testplayers thought it was also playable with only 2 players. Is it good? Well, we sure had fun testing it! The first test game lasted quite a while (2 of the 4 players over 100 frags). Textures etc. are aligned (this level is not one of those that consists of 4 rooms glued together with random textures on the walls). Furthermore: You won't find a plasma or BFG in here, my friends and I prefer conventional weapons. :) The rest of the weapons are available as well as a soul sphere, an armor and some extra ammo and goodies. My recommendation is that this level be played at alt-death (respawning weapons) because the amount and placement of weapons comes out best in that mode. If you have any comment or find any bugs please send mail to the e-mail adress above. If you like it tell me! if you don't, also tell me, but be sure to mention what you don't like and why, so I can use the feedback in my later trials at wad-editing. Have a blast!
Credits: testplayers: Yaxmir, Gabber and Viper (ifrag nicks) All are students at the same university.

And of course to Annet my great girlfriend, who had to go to bed alone every night, because I was up editing. (This is probably the reason why she hates the game so much).
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu2 (it's pirate, I know, sorry guys), DCK v2.1 beta, BSP v1.2X, DeuTex v3.4
Bugs: None found yet.
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