Title: Get Some Frags! II
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/g-i/getsome2.zip
Size: 13.18 KB
Date: 03/23/96
Author: Weird Beard (a.k.a. Weird Beard)
Description: This is the second part of Get Some Frags! This also has a rocket launcher light room, but it is designed much better. There is also better texturing and lighting in this level. This wad just blows away Get Some Frags I. This level has a co-op exit. To operate it: 1. Let one of you DMer's go the exit switch in the crate room. 2. The other person goes to the rocket launcher room exit door. 3. The crate roomer flips the switch. 4. Rocket launcher roomer goes through exit door. There is plenty of ammo spread around, so you never run out of ammo! The weapons are spread around, too, so no one can sit there and defend the best weapons(except for the rocket launcher, maybe).

Play this level and 'GET SOME FRAGS!'
Credits: Ben Morris and crew for DCK v2.2 Neal Norris and friends for playtesting. ID Software for Doom II!
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: Around 5 hours.
Editor(s) used: DCK v2.2
Bugs: None that I know of. Mail me if you find any!
Rating: (2 votes)
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Basic, but not too bad.x

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