Title: Grind
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/g-i/grind.zip
Size: 45.82 KB
Date: 10/14/02
Author: Kara C. Rader
Description: A rather small deathmatch level for Doom II. A little more detail than the previous wads. Guns: Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher. Does not require advanced ports, though jumping can get you through the window in the book room if you so choose to use, say, Legacy or ZDoom. Don't ask why it's called Grind. I have no idea.
Base: Started from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Registered DeePsea.
Bugs: None. If anyone finds any bugs, be sure and tell me where you were and what you were doing when it happened.
Rating: (8 votes)
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(Couldn't make a inclusive review because of limits :P) pro's -texturing -detail con's -shape (areas need to be more connected in deathmatch) -ammo/weapon/health amount -------------------- -------------------- With a little work, you could make it fantastic, but for now, 3/5 -Archfilex
No way!x
Grind this shit into the ground NOW!x

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