Title: Hand of Justice
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/g-i/hand.zip
Size: 35.78 KB
Date: 09/21/95
Author: Timmy (The J-U-D-G-E)
Description: Cool small deathmatch level... Realy nice (I think..) Four rooms inaccesibles from outside with teleporters in them to arena with.... lots of cool stuff. Must have good jumping skills to get weapons.There is no place to hide in this level, because i got really tired of searching for my deathmatch partner. There are 2 secrets on this level, but they are -very- hard to find, good luck and have fun! And i forgot, the exit is in the secret room (If you can't find it just e-mail me and i will send you the answer.)
Credits: Jason Hoffoss for DMapEdit, Id Software for best game ever -=DOOM2=-, all the guys who tested this level and you for using this wad. Thank you all!
Base: New level from scratch...
Build time: 3 days (Yeah, yeah, i know that i'am slow...)
Editor(s) used: DMapEdit v.4.0
Bugs: Get real... (None of them of course!)
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