Title: Hanslumbik's Fighting Arena!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/g-i/hans.zip
Size: 40.72 KB
Date: 11/04/95
Author: Kristoff Mestdagh (Hanslumbik)
Description: This is a UNIQUE level that allows two peo ple to play one on one while the others in the game watch while waiting their turn. When someone dies another person meets the winner in the Arena! When you are stuck, just watch the game and wait for your chance to battle it out!

THERE ARE 2 RULES WHICH MUST BE FOLLOWED! 1. Strictly NO shooting until you enter Arena. 2. The first person to leave the hallway at the stasrt MUST go right, the others MUST go left. * Please follow these rules for maximum enjoyment.
Credits: Id games! NWT and the makers of deu and dck, together they are the most powerful!!
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: Hmm about 10-15 hours
Editor(s) used: Dck, Deu2, NWT <- The BEST!
Bugs: None
Rating: (1 vote)
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Awesome level...well thought out.x

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