Title: It Came From the Garage!" - "¡¡¡MUY MALO!!!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/g-i/houseyay.zip
Size: 178.11 KB
Date: 02/16/96
Author: Alan Gamboa (J'ber'nak'l)
Description: The design for this level came from that of my own house! Of course the limitations of the Doom engine forced me to make some slight changed and my house is more furnished. I also made the backyard bigger for full-on fire-fight fun!(say that 3 times fast!). Other than that, it really is my house.
Credits: *Whoever designed my house... way ta go, you!
*Funbaby who's always a help with the WAD mechanics and also for making suggestions (like the chimney and inspiring me to add furniture where I could)
*Lord Kefka for letting me use his Internet mail box when I lost mine.
ASH - [while at my house later], "¡Whoa! I feel like I'm in your level."
BIG TOE - "It was neat. All you want in a Death Match level. Small, weapons, secrets, and Beverly Hills Cop music. ¡Perfect!"
EL MONO - "¡Eee eee eee, ooo ooo ooo!"
FUNBABY - "Damn the Doom Engine and its 2.5D! ¡Teleports suck!"
PIT - [while playing] "Is there really all those blood splats in your house?"
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 1 day of Christmas vacation for the first floor, then bits and pieces for a couple weeks 'cause I'm a lazy bum.
Editor(s) used: DCK, Waded, BSP, Paint Shop Pro, New Wad Tools, DmGraph, Dmaud.
Bugs: Nah.
Rating: (2 votes)
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pretty sweet x

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