Title: UIA1
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/g-i/iberowad.zip
Size: 48.62 KB
Date: 06/04/95
Author: Enrique Zamudio Lopez
Description: This level is based on the library of the university, and I also included the gardens and the outer part of the coffe shop (that big hole next to the gardens). The chapel is not very accurately represented, but it's recognizable. A friend gave me the idea to make this wad; I think it's cool to deathmatch you buddies in a place that you know in real life. Anyway, for those of you who've never seen the campus, this is a chance to be there. You can play this level in single-player mode, but it's rather boring. I built it with DeathMatch in mind.
Credits: . You can also modify it (if someone is
Base: New level from scratch Build Time: I don't really know, and you don't really care.
Build time: I don't really know, and you don't really care.
Editor(s) used: DEU II by Geoff Allan V 2.60b2 and 3.0 alpha. idbsp 1.02
Bugs: Some HOM inside the library that I couldn't get rid of. Please e-mail if you have any trouble.
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