Title: Octagonal DeathMatch
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/jmoctadm.zip
Size: 17.94 KB
Date: 01/17/97
Author: Jamie Markle
Description: THIS IS THE ONE YOU WANT! At the time of uploading, I consider this to be my ultimate DeathMatch WAD. The general shape is an octagon surrounded by a ledge, with four "rooms" on the outside. Each room is interconnected. In order to get the plasma gun you will have to take some risk and take off some health. Surprise your opponent by teleporting right behind them. If your risk it and try to access the special transporter room. Try to keep track of the red, black and blue flags in order to keep a sense of orientation. Play with the sound on so you can hear the automatic doors which tell you if your opponent is trying to sneak up from a back entrance. Note: this WAD was designed with DMatch 2.0 rules in mind Anyone who wants fast-fragging, yet quick-thinkingly strategical deathmatch action should download the Octagonal Deathmatch NOW!!!
Credits: Russell Roth for the general design Jason Hoffos, maker of the excellent DMapEdit util. iD
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DMapEdit
Bugs: none (why would there be)
Rating: (1 vote)
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An OK concept for a map, but everything could stand to be double width - very cramped. Terrible texturing also, but it's kinda forgivable.x

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