Title: Junk.Wad
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/junk.zip
Size: 30.52 KB
Date: 07/25/95
Author: Justin Whittet (Monkey Man)
Description: This is my first wad, and I created it for Deathmatch. It has a couple large running areas that you get to run around and the blow the "JUNK" out of each other. I've made a couple of tricks, and traps around the level where you can get your opponent stuck and then blow his/her brains out, and lots of other very cool stuff! Not to large, so you don't spend the whole time looking for your opponent. Oh and there is no exit so you can't accidentally leave in Deathmatch.
Credits: Ray Dollet for helping me out when A wall turned into a bunch of mirrors! And for just being cool.
Base: None-please tell me if there are any though
Build time: I have no idea, it took me at least 5 hours just figuring out how to make a dang Door!!! I'd probable say about 25 hours. But most was figuring out how to use the editor!
Editor(s) used: Doom-Ed v.42 (This is the best editor out there!)
Rating: (1 vote)
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The file name is 100% accurate. Uses 'Last' by NIN as the music, only good thing about it.x

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