Title: K2.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/k2.zip
Size: 75.52 KB
Date: 01/31/97
Author: James Snow
Description: I have had this wad kicking around for a year and a half and I thought that I'd upload it for kicks, who knows? Maybe someone is still playing Doom II. That thing in the north room that kinda looks like a mountain is where the level got it's name. This was my second (and last) level. I did it on paper first so it seems to play like it was thought out pretty well. It is great for two player deathmatches, not too bad with three (death comes quickly, though) and I haven't tried it with four, but it would probably be a little crowded. If you like it, drop me a line. I'd be kinda interested to know if anyone is playing it.
Credits: Id, I guess, for making a great game. The guy who made DCK. Anyone who takes the time to try this level and my C5Gold level.
Base: new level from ground up
Build time: don't remember, but a bunch of hours
Editor(s) used: DCK2.2
Bugs: a few textures here and there, a few split plane burps in the K2 room, didn't really bother me though.
Rating: (2 votes)
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Hallways are far too crammed and overall the map is just too big. These areas would be cool if the halls connecting them were 2 or 3 times wider and shorter. The BFG location is honestly the least of your worries, there's SO much bfg cover!x
Neat map, nice areas (especially the forts and mountain) but the bfg location and mountain top rocket launcher location could definitely do with swapping. Having an easily acquired bfg is a problem, in my opinion, and they should require more work than running up a single flight of stairs. Like climbing the mountain, that would of been a perfect challenge.x

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