Title: KK-SNIPE, the sequel to A1-SNIPE!!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/kk-snipe.zip
Size: 98.59 KB
Date: 12/02/95
Author: Kowalski and A1 Stud Muffin :)
Description: Well, I haven't done a WAD for a while coz one I was working hard on and looked really kewl stuffed up! Noooo! :( So I stopped creating WADs (This was after I did A1-SNIPE) Then one day, AsM had given me the suggestion to do a sequel to A1-SNIPE, so I started with some scrawling on paper, and this is the result! :) Set 1000 years after A1-SNIPE, there has been a land slide, and the new city you built around 500 years ago (Shesh you live a bloody long time for a human! Wowies! :) has had a lot of dirt chucked on top of it. Oops. You then get really angry about this and decide to go on a killing spree against your fragpals. Don't you just LOVE gratuitous violence? >:-)
Credits: AsM for [more] ideas, Authors of all tools that were used (BSP, RMB, NWT etc.)
Base: Modified the old A1-SNIPE so the main building was there :) but cut all other bits and made an entirely new level!
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DDT 1.0 (It's still bugged :( , BSP 1.2x, RMB 2.1 Alpha, NWT 1.3
Bugs: Perhaps some textures, I made more of an effort here! Cockroaches, spiders, slaters, slugs, snails, french people...
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