Title: KlauspaK
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/klaus1-1.zip
Size: 1.29 MB
Date: 11/09/96
Author: Peter Gozon a.k.a. Klaus
Description: a pak of all types of deathmatch levels made by Klaus
Credits: Troy Pyles a.k.a. Yort - helped me playtest Jeff Cross a.k.a. Stinger - taught me how to edit and fixed some of my level problems - Where are you? Mark Heekin a.k.a. Blitzkreig - gave me some pointers - Where are you? The Spook - let me use some of his things from his Doom7734.wad Micheal Karikas a.k.a. Wakaboy - let me use some of his music from his wakamus.wad and taught me how to upload Anthony Galica - answered some of my questions and fixed some minor problems Stretton - let me use a graphic from his Trio series that he got from Quicken5 by Ryan Haney Bjoern Ahlers - took time off of his busy schedule to fix my sky textures ID software - made all this possible people at the doom newsgroups who helped me various ftp sites where I got the rest of my sound effects and music anyone else not mentioned who sent me an e-mail message trying to help me out
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: Way too long
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor, Wintex, Paint Shop Pro, MSPaint, Sound Recorder, Midi2Mus, AdobePhotoshop, EnDoomer, WinFractint
Bugs: Unknown
Rating: (1 vote)
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Within the first 10 seconds of the wad, you'll get lost in some blocky rooms, listen to the YMCA song, and hear doomguy exclaim "hot diggity!" every time you pick up an item. There are 31 more levels of essentially the same treatment in this wad. The megawad is interesting as a time capsule, but the layouts are abysmal. x

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