Title: Lincon95 tourney
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/linc95.zip
Size: 35.44 KB
Date: 06/07/95
Author: Mårten Lundgren, Jesper Hansson
Description: This level was used in the doom2 tourney at the Lincon95 convent. It's a deathmatch only with all weapons but the hideous BFG ( the plasma dosn't have to much ammo either ). And there is no exit, so if you wich to se who fragged who most times, we recomend a time limit. One last thing, the arrows points at elevators just push the walls and they go down.
Credits: The ones behind WADED and ADE2. And of cource the guys at ID software.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: About a month , to get it as i wanted.
Editor(s) used: Waded 1.83, ade2, bsp and dmgraph.
Bugs: Under the tournament a (very) few people managed to get stuck under the floor in the room adjacant to the pool of health bonus ( x marks the spot ).
And we had playtested the last version for at least 2 hours without experience it(total testtime must be a whole day). If someone cand find the thing that's causing this please mail us!.
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