Title: Lotus
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/lotus.zip
Size: 33.04 KB
Date: 08/01/95
Author: Ryan Robinson
Description: Watch. Because if your opponent sees you first, he can follow you and destroy you. Listen. Because in this not too big, not too small level, you can be heard from anywhere in the level, through the many passageways connecting everything. Watch your back. Because in this action-packed deathmatch only wad, your enemies can come out of nowhere, from any direction. There's nowhere to hide, no secrets. Just you, and hell. It's up to you. You have to learn how to loose your opponent, then come up behind them and crush them, because in this wad, it's all skill--and the person with the biggest gun doesn't always win. Everything is perfectly balanced, from the monsters to the weapons.
Credits: The makers of DoomEd and DEEP. Great editors!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomEd deluxe 2.86, Tbsp 2.2, Deep 7.11, Deepbsp
Bugs: None
Rating: (2 votes)
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Here's an unsung classic - this is a very curvy and interconnected level, and it varies from wide open spaces to cramped, curved corridors. There's a fair bit of height variation, but it mostly feels like one floor. The texturing is very abstract, but not too ugly. Overall, it's a fun map to just get lost in, and it would make for very tense duels or very fun Death matches.x

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