Title: Yet Another Doom2 Wad...
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/m-o/mrx.zip
Size: 37.98 KB
Date: 03/29/96
Author: Jonathan Dolan
Description: This was my first wad file that I've sent out. Although It's simple, it's fun... You Will NOT be able to get the BFG... It's just an illusion... (set back from a warp line, so there is no way to get it) ;)
Credits: I would like to thank the people at Id Software (without them we couldn't spend our youth staying up playing Doom and editing wads), To the authors of DeuTex and WinDeu. And also A HUGE thanks to the author of both wad_dwd and idbsp (excellent node builders) Special thanks to My two Doom pals KAZ and Mr.Y who helped in the level editing, and a -BIG- thanks also to my girlfriend, Jennifer, who was very understanding in my quest to complete this...

Enjoy... -Mr.X
Base: New level from ziltch...
Build time: N/A.....ok, about 40 hours +/- 20hrs, but at least it's finally done, Thank God... Only reason it took so long to make was because it was my 1st and because I never could understand why I was getting texture errors and how to fix them until I got a better node builder...
Editor(s) used: WinDeu and DeuTex for the actual wad editing and PaintShop Pro for the bitmaps.
Bugs: None, if any are found contact me...
Rating: (1 vote)
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looks like a not finished wad and i would not use it for dethmatchx

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