Title: My version of Santa Rosa Assault
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/m-o/mystarsa.zip
Size: 30.29 KB
Date: 05/29/95
Author: Michael Lundy
Description: If you've ever played the original SRA, you probably know how slow it runs, how you can shoot through walls, bump into hanging keens, look at misalignment, etc, etc... Anyway, this wad is an improvement of the original. It runs faster, has solid walls that you can't shoot through, and other things. This will be in Houses 1.3 soon.
Credits: Uhh.. that guy who made the original Santa Rosa Assault. He might be able to use this for his next version.

Oh yeah, I'm also giving credit to the compiler of NIN.WAD
Base: Modified Santa Rosa Assault.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, DEUTEX 3.4, ENDOOMER 1.0.1
Bugs: Nothing noticeable.
Rating: (2 votes)
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This is a tribute to a level that isn't in the archives, although the original author's remake is present as id=2619. The basic layout is the same, but the detail has been stripped away. No amount of tweaking can change the fact that this is a "my house" level, unsuitable for deathmatch or any other kind of play; it's a cramped bunch of small pokey rooms and narrow corridors, frustrating to walk through and impossible to have fun with.x
I came, I saw, I peed myself when I played this with tandl.wad. Seriously, this is a pretty darn good level. 3 stars.x

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