Title: ninevah.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/m-o/ninevah.zip
Size: 83.88 KB
Date: 07/08/96
Author: Dan Proietti
Description: defies it...no, it's a tight level good for any number of players in deathmatch. original and altdeath are supported, and if you enjoy large rocket-launcher-wielding beasts in your way you can play with monsters [just a cyber- demon and a sizzle-crack].
Credits: Ola Bjorling for inspiring me to build this, Adam Gerlach for play-testing [or trying at least] and giving feedback, and to Jeff Bedard for letting me wreck him in deathmatch and for his sick sense of humor which spawned the tortured guy and blood trail idea [you'll see what i mean].
Base: this is new
Build time: a couple months of finding a computer to work on while not at school [my whopping 80386 at home just doesn't cut it -- 78 minutes to build this baby using Zennode...].
Editor(s) used: Deth 3.92, WinDeu 5.2, WinTex 4.1, Zennode 0.98
Bugs: there is one little graphical bug you will probably notice when down in the water if you look towards the center of the level [i think this is due to the amount of animated textures in view at one time but couldn't fix this without compromising the level aesthetically].
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