Title: O'ARENA.WAD, a DeathMatch wad for DOOM2
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/m-o/oarena.zip
Size: 44.03 KB
Date: 07/06/95
Author: Blackadder and The Chairman
Description: This is a wad designed for deathmatch 2 (-Altdeath) direct conervsion of 1KDEATHS.wad for DOOM 1, with slight modifications for more enjoyment. One large arena with a hall going around it. Elevators and Megasphere in center! lots of ammo!! Frag every 30 seconds!!! AWESOME BAD GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uses full power of DOOM2!!!

Credits: CREATOR OF ORIGINAL 1KDEATHS.WAD, and of course, iD software!!!!!!!!!
Base: 1KDEATHS.WAD, favorite of UH NeXTDOOM club!!!!
Build time: 6+ hours to build, 40 hrs tuning and re-tuning to player suggestions.
Editor(s) used: DEU and DCK22 to clean up!!!!!!!!
Bugs: None
Rating: (1 vote)
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Wasnt expecting much from the textfile, but this is map is sorta cool is a quirky way..x

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