Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/p-r/packer05.zip
Size: 115.04 KB
Date: 03/08/96
Author: --==°±² DooMPackeR ²±°==--
Description: The fifth of the PACKER Deathmatch series for DOOM ][. The first to cater to the new style fragging.... Smallish and tight to limit hiding places, but big enough to keep an element of skill in play. I hate the "shoot into a crowd" scenario. Also contains over 20 frames of original animation... --==================================-- This level has no plot, as I find them a waste of time... It has the same basic run and shoot style as the rest of the PACKER series, but is smaller and is a bit more technical. I employed a few new techniques in designing the graphics. I know you aren't supposed to use "striped" graphics but they fit the mood, and I LIKE THEM! With no exceptions- all of the graphics are homemade BY ME, or modified DooM originals... Lazarus keeps telling me that I don't have to make ALL new graphics, but I LIKE TO BE DIFFERENT.
Credits: Lazarus - for giving me the inspiration to try to get past box + box = WAD.. I am not a match for ATROPOS.WAD, but I'm coming along. Obiwan, Stercus, and Kabaal, Lord Vador for giving me some excellent matches and putting up with my crap, and for helping me eliminate bugs in this one.

Additional credit to Laz fr the idea behind the waterfall.. Different use, different graphic, but the theme isn't mine so hats off to Laz...
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2 - w/ DCK-F.ZIP nice! NWT 1.3 WINTEX 1.4 COOL FOR ANIMATION!
Bugs: Hope I got them all.
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