Title: Quit buggin' me!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/p-r/qtbugnme.zip
Size: 23.24 KB
Date: 05/30/05
Description: Made for DEATHMATCH only on DOOM2!

Quit buggin' me! by Matt Simon [DOOM II] After another successful campaign of kicking alien butt you're ready to head home, but all of a sudden your partner has a flashback and believes you are the alien and must be killed!!!! Your only option is to defend yourself at all costs......... (and with that, it's DEATHMATCH time!)

The story so far: After another successful campaign of kicking alien butt you're ready to head home, but all of a sudden your partner has a flashback and believes you are the alien and must be killed!!!! Your only option is to defend yourself at all costs.........
Credits: Rob, for being my deathmatch beta tester.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU2
Bugs: none known.
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