Title: Sheol
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/sheol.zip
Size: 165.58 KB
Date: 11/13/95
Author: Todd Struble (Abhot to some)
Description: hmmmm... Letseee... VERY VERY VERY loosely based on e1m1 of Doom (you will probably recognize a section or two, but I doubt it.) All weapons aren't cheap and require skill. (NO BFG!!!!!) the plasma is in sight and hard to get. Go put yourself on a limb, and you're an easy target. Rocket launcher and some rockets are around the bloody fountain center- piece. Again, this is LOOSELY based on e1m1, but it also has a Ledges.wad flavor to it....
Credits: id Software, (DUH) the author of DCK and waded, Apollo, for sound fx (if they are from his wad, as I've seen them in quite a few) and the music, Nirvana, for the music, ;) the author of HOBOKEN.wad, and finally, the poeple at KOME, for helping me keep my sanity.(if I missed you, and you see your sfx, or whatever, thanx to you too. =)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK, for the base, and Waded for fixing the sectors DCK screwed up.
Bugs: Hopefully none. e-mail me if you find one.
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