Title: Showdown
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/showdown.zip
Size: 14.04 KB
Date: 04/12/95
Author: Jawed Karim
Description: This level was designed for Deathmatch. Whoever is on the outermost level has complete control over two crushing ceilings. However, the crushing ceiling can be stopped at any time by crossing the outer linedef of that particular circular ceiling. On the highest level, stepping on the red square will activate one of the ceilings, and the black square will turn it off.
Credits: Mike Raiter for testing deathmatch (and beating me! Argh).
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: About 30 hours
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21 and Edmap 1.24
Bugs: "Hall of Mirrors" effects. These are due to the DOOM2 engine, NOT showdown.wad because it's pushing the engine to its limits.
Rating: (1 vote)
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Not a bad idea, but I have a feeling this crusher system could glitch the match resulting in players getting stuck. The authgor says the HOMs are because the wad "pushes the engine to it's limits" - What rubbish, the author made the circles have waaaay too many linedefs.. So really, it IS the fault of showdown.wad ;)x

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