Title: shriek.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/shriek.zip
Size: 62.23 KB
Date: 10/08/94
Author: fubar@who.cares.i.wont.get.email.anyway
Description: That's about it. Pretty cool level if I must say so myself. This is a level which is actually worth the download time and effort. Also may well be the first (deathmatch) pwad for DOOM II.

Desgined for 2 player deathmatch, -with monsters-. If you really don't want to contend with a few imps etc, play at skill 2, but -with monsters- :)... that way the one monster that makes the level will be the only one in the game. Don't forget to use -altdeath.
Credits: To Mathew (mjcrowe@insane.apana.org.au) for playtesting, and me.
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Rating: (2 votes)
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A) It is pretty useful for some inspiration yet not enough for an entire level. B) giving that email says that you don't care about the map. - 2/5x
Has historic value for being what might be the first original, non-converted Doom II level. It's not too ugly for 1994, but it's not fun in deathmatch at all. 2/5x

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