Title: simple1.zip
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/simple1.zip
Size: 4.08 KB
Date: 05/25/97
Description: This is just a very simple level that I constructed after playing one of the Computer Deathmatch programs for Doom 2. It's a great level for 2 player Deathmatch. With anymore players, it's just a total frag-a-thon. I put in the CyberDemon on Single player to practice my rocket dodging. It's great! I've also included a demo to show myself beating the CyberDemon.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a very early version of a map found in Dwango 5. Commonly hated but a few love the BFG-ified version in D5- this earlier one actually seems more fun. Interesting to note the website is still active, and as far from Doom as you can probably get.x

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