Title: Spartz
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/spartz.zip
Size: 30.73 KB
Date: 04/23/96
Author: Michael Daniels
Description: My latest monstrosity! A deathmatch level in which I've implemented three of my best traps:

Acid Trap - high in an overlooking cave reside two buttons that instantaneously raise and lower the outer edge of a pool of acid.. In which is floating the only soul sphere...
Lights Trap - for those skilled enough to "drive" to it, there is a switch that turns out most of the lights.. In front of which is a light amp visor.. To turn the lights back on, the other guy has to grab the soul sphere... Which is out in the middle of the Acid Trap!!
Happy Button - sick and twisted individuals that like to cause their opponents a LOT of grief will enjoy the second set of control switches... The "Happy Button" will allow repawning monsters to enter the scene.. And the "unHappy Button" will prevent them from coming back...
Credits: id Software, for writing the awesome Engine!!
Ben Morris, for providing DCK!
Everyone who helped me beta test.
Base: RELLIK.WAD (one of my own)
Build time:
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Rating: (1 vote)
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PRetty fun DM map, I've played a different version of this before.x

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